Healthy Times

LFCHD Employee Newsletter

Archive for the month “December, 2013”

Step into 2014 with new employee aerobics class

HANDS extends more holiday cheer

During the holiday season, Ana Edwards, HANDS (Health Access Nurturing Development Services) Program, collaborated with family support workers to collect names of families who couldn’t afford gifts for their children. In turn, with the help of donations collected by her church, St. Paul’s, 225 families received gifts this year.

Learn more about how HANDS helps first-time parents and their families year-round by clicking here.

A new year, brand new classes

The Community Health Equity and Education Program has lined up a new slate of health and wellness classes to help the community start fresh in 2014. Below, you will find information about upcoming classes focused on smoking cessation, diabetes, healthy eating and eating on a tight budget.

Additionally, you can click here to view more health-related classes taking place in Central Kentucky in January 2014.

Help us spread the word about all of these classes by sharing the above images and/or information. Find and follow the health department on Facebook and Twitter and share our messages on your personal pages. You can also encourage other coalitions and organizations you work with to do the same!

Staff participate in emergency preparedness training

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In early December, several Lexington-Fayette County Health Department staff attended the ICS 400 two-day training at 805B Newtown Circle. The course contained several activities that helped staff practice preparedness response as it relates to complex emergency situations. Coincidentally, Public Health Nursing Manager Lois Davis took a break from the training when she was asked to do a television interview related to approaching inclement weather that would possibly arrive in Central Kentucky that weekend.

WIC delivers in time for the holidays

Each year, WIC (Women, Infants and Children) staff try to help a family in need during the holiday season. This year, employees collected gifts for a WIC family whose infant passed away in November. The team delivered the gifts to the family’s three siblings and mother.

To learn more about how WIC helps families throughout the year, click here.

Holidays come knocking

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Targeted Prevention staff recently competed in a holiday door decorating contest. Employees at 805B Newtown Circle had one week to design and decorate their door, and Medical Records staff judged and announced a winner on Dec. 9. Take a look at the doors in the slideshow above, take a guess who won and then click through the red “Read More…” link to see if you’re right!

door decor 11
Medical Records staff named Julie Moon the winner. Moon won a gift cards and several home goods as prizes.

Targeted Prevention staff invite you to swing by and check out the doors for yourselves before the holidays are over!

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