Healthy Times

LFCHD Employee Newsletter

Archive for the month “February, 2015”

WIC hosts baby shower for Sargent


The WIC staff recently held a baby shower for Abigail Sargent. We wish her a happy and healthy pregnancy!

The snow must go on


Lois Davis delivers medications to three TB directly observed therapy (DOT) patients during “Snowmageddon 2015” last week. Jessica Cobb was the chauffer with 4WD since the usual nursing staff who deliver the DOT meds were unable to get out because of the snow.

Employees celebrate Valentine’s Day with chocolate fountain

Employees filled up their plates with treats to dip into a chocolate fountain Thursday at a Valentine’s Day Celebration hosted by the Employee Association. Snacks included bananas, strawberries, marshmallows, Rice Krispies treats and pretzels, all ready to be placed on skewers and smothered in chocolate.

The winners of the raffle winners were:

Gianina McCann, 1-hour massage from Posh Salon

Jeanette Hart, pedicure from Posh Salon

Allison Hiles, 1-hour massage from Massage Evny

Ada Hidalgo, 1-month gym membership to ZONE

Teresa McCarty, $50 Bluegrass Hospitality Group

EA provides carnations for Valentine’s Day

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The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department turned red, pink, white and yellow Friday thanks to hundreds of carnations from the Employee Association.

In total, the Employee Association sold 389 carnations to employees, who in turn sent them to their co-workers as a Valentine’s Day gift. Dr. and Mrs. Leach presented carnations to all employees, many of whom were able to pose for the pictures above! A special “thank you” to Jeanette Hart for taking the pictures!

Hollinger helps college students lead PSI class

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For the past 13 years, Dr. Melody Noland has partnered with the Postponing Sexual Involvement (PSI) program by incorporating her Health Promotions and Kinesiology students to teach the five-week series to Fayette County middle school students. These college students will become health teachers in public school settings.

Students are trained before teaching and are scheduled by Elayne Hollinger, LFCHD senior health educator. The school’s health teacher and Hollinger are both in each PSI class the university students teach.

Classes are interactive, educational and informative and provide awareness and hands-on practice for participants in the importance of abstaining from sexual involvement.

Employee Association to host Valentine’s celebration

Valentine s Party 2015-page-001

Green Team helps LFCHD move toward 2-sided printing

Last year, the health department’s Quality Improvement (QI) Committee introduced the Green Team (Carla Basanta, Lois Davis, Becky Pirkle, Tara Mason, Doraine Bailey and Kevin Hall). This resulted from the responses of the Employee Engagement Survey and focus groups. Many of you commented about recycling, energy efficiency and paper/printing use. Thus, the Green Team was born.
Green Team logo
After holding a survey to gauge staff’s awareness (and interest) in environmental issues at LFCHD, the Green Team targeted a few areas identified by staff as a concern.
Read more…

Red: All about it!

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Employees dressed in red on Friday, Feb. 6, for National Wear Red Day, a day to raise awareness in the fight against heart disease in women. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the United States, claiming more lives than all forms of cancer combined. The health department also held a social media campaign on this day by posting a series of messages on the health department’s Facebook and Twitter pages using the #GoRed and #WearRedDay tags.
Dr. Rice Leach takes part in #GoRedForWomen with a #GoRedSelfie while undergoing a round of chemotherapy.

Dr. Rice Leach takes part in #GoRedForWomen with a #GoRedSelfie while undergoing a round of chemotherapy.

Want to continue to #GoRed this February? Here’s a few other ways you can do so:
• Know your heart score
• Live healthy
• Know the signs of a heart attack
• Start walking

To find out how these things can lessen your risk of developing heart disease, and to learn more information about heart disease in general, click here.

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