Healthy Times

LFCHD Employee Newsletter

Archive for the month “December, 2014”

Public Health Clinic opens at new location

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When the doors opened Wednesday morning, a relocation that has been in months in planning finally came to an end.

The Public Health Clinic is now open for business at 650 Newtown Pike, bringing the bulk of the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department’s services under one roof for the first time in several years.
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Employees gather for annual Winter Event

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LFCHD staff gathered Friday, Dec. 5, for the annual Winter Event, hosted by the Employee Association this year at the Embassy Suites off Newtown Pike.

Employees got to choose food options featuring a taco bar, a salad bar and a “Kentucky” bar with chicken tenders, ham and mashed potatoes, with a vegetarian pasta option also available. Each table featured cheesecake for dessert.
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Welcome new employees; familiar faces, new places

Please take a moment to welcome the newest employees of the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department and to congratulate those employees who have been promoted within the last few months.
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Public Health Clinic closing Dec. 10-16 for move; Communicable Disease now at 650

The final step of the relocation is almost here! On Dec. 17, the Public Health Clinic will transfer to the first floor of 650 Newtown Pike. To allow for the move, the Clinic will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 10, through Tuesday, Dec. 16.We have been blitzing the media (both traditional outlets and social media), but any additional help you can provide in getting the word to patients/clients would be appreciated.

Communicable Disease
The Communicable Diseases unit is now located on the second floor of 650 Newtown Pike. This unit includes the following sections: TB Field Services, Epidemiology and Targeted Prevention. HIV testing and counseling will begin at this location on Dec. 17 and will be closed Dec. 10-16.The other sections (Epi and TB) are already seeing patients. The contact number for the unit remains the same: 288-2437.

The following list of staff can now be reached via internal mail or in person on the second floor at 650 Newtown Pike. Their phone extensions remain the same:

Connie Boyd
Laura Collins
Julie Moon
Katie Myatt
Yvonne Beatty
Trish Williams
George Hughes – CDC Assignee
Mindy Sekhon
Sara Zagaruyka
Aaron Mosley Jr.
Theresa Lakin
Marressa “Reese” Starks-Baker
Tara Mason
John Moses

Previous updates
Here is information we’ve previously provided regarding the moves that took place in the last few months:
Environmental Health

Thanks for your help with this and for your patience during the changes!

HANDS says ‘thanks’ for fundraiser!


LFCHD employees donated several items for the HANDS program at Friday’s annual Winter Event. The entire HANDS team sends its “heartfelt thanks to everyone who provided the great donations!”

St. Luke gives nurses thanks

St. Luke United Methodist Church recently sent the following letter of thanks to Carla Basanta to thank the health department for its efforts in a Health Expo the church held:

Dear Carla,
Please convey to your team our gratitude for your participation in our recent Health Expo. Certainly the “flu shot” station was a big success with those in attendance. I’ve heard from many that “those nurses gave the best shots ever!”

Hopefully this community project will help keep our church members protected this fall/winter.

All on your team are so helpful, cheerful, informative and positive. We at St. Luke certainly appreciate you and thank you for making our Health Expo a success.

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